Human Life Action

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Human Life Action believes in the inherent dignity of every life and the power of every American to raise his or her voice in defense of the vulnerable. When thousands upon thousands of people of good will raise their voices as one we are heard on Capitol Hill.

We can and must help shape a public policy that protects life and liberty. Together we will be heard!


Welcome to Human Life Action, a project of National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, Inc., (NCHLA). Since our founding in 1974 we have:

  • Enabled the grassroots to advocate at the federal level for pro-life legislation;
  • Educated citizens about the need for a Human Life Amendment to the U.S. Constitution;
  • Created pro-life legislative networks; and
  • Worked closely with the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in support of their pro-life legislative agenda.

On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court in its Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions legalized abortion on demand. Today, the threats to human life, born and unborn, not only continue, but have expanded to include attacks on our freedom of conscience. It is wrong for government to force Americans to violate their religious and moral beliefs in respect for life. The need for concerned citizens to speak out is greater than ever.

In the great civil rights struggle to secure the right to life for all, Human Life Action strives to:


Human Life Action sends out federal legislative action alerts on pro-life policy requesting grassroots action. We make it easy for you to stay on top of key pro-life legislative initiatives and to contact your elected federal representatives and other leaders with messages that build the culture of life and advocate for policy that protects human life and liberty. When you sign up for alerts you will receive an email request to contact Congress. Be assured we do not share or sell your personal information (name, address or email).

Never again miss a chance to be a voice for the voiceless. Sign up for alerts here.


While this web site is an effective and user-friendly action center, it is also a library full of rich resources and tools for the citizen-advocate.

  • Check out our current Legislative Report for an up-to-date account of the life issues before Congress.
  • Need to do research? You can search legislative reports from past years or go to the issues tab for more detailed information by topic.
  • Use the Key Votes section to look up how those who represent you have been voting. We’ve recorded from the most current votes back to the first vote on the issue in 1974.

What is more, you can go to for in-depth information on the Supreme Court cases which shaped the abortion laws in our nation.

Human Life Action also communicates with leaders in the field about legislative priorities and presents advocacy seminars across the country to equip pro-life citizens with the tools they need to urge their lawmakers to uphold our most cherished rights of life and religious liberty. In a special way, Human Life Action assists dioceses, state Catholic Conferences, and Catholic lay groups. Contact us to learn more about having a speaker come to your conference, meeting, or youth rally.


Human Life Action believes in the inherent dignity of every life and the power of every American to raise his or her voice in defense of the vulnerable. When thousands upon thousands of people of good will raise their voices as one we are heard on Capitol Hill. We can–and must–help shape a public policy that protects life and liberty. Together we will be heard!

NCHLA is a 501(c) 4 public welfare organization which gratefully accepts donations from those who support our mission.

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